Urgent Care
Broken bone
Trauma and Common Injuries
We offer treatment for fractures and other trauma injuries that are not life-threatening. The fracture is usually diagnosed by X-ray, after which the fractured bone is set in order to heal properly. After setting, most fractures are immobilized with a cast or splint to reduce pain and promote healing. In many cases, pain medication is also prescribed.

In addition to fractures, we diagnose and treat sprains, muscle strains, sports injuries, dehydration, bee sting and poison ivy reactions, animal bite wounds, and many more conditions. Following the management of the illness or injury, patients are followed up in a non-urgent, primary care setting. For instance, most ankle sprains and strains are first treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation. In more severe cases, we may recommend crutches and temporary discontinuation of weightbearing activities. Compression also eliminates motion around the injured joint. This may require that the patient wear an elastic bandage, splint, cast, or brace.

Deep laceration wound on the hand
Laceration Repair
A laceration is a wound caused by a sharp object, producing edges that may be jagged, dirty, or bleeding. Lacerations most often affect the skin, but any tissue may be lacerated, including subcutaneous fat, tendon, muscle, or bone. Laceration repair aims to stop any bleeding, promote healing, preserve function of the tissue, and restore appearance. Lacerations are less likely to become infected if they are repaired soon after they occur.

The laceration is first cleaned by removing any foreign material or debris. The wound is then irrigated with saline solution and a disinfectant. Once the wound has been cleansed, the area is anesthetized. Tissue that is too damaged to heal must be removed to prevent infection. The skin wound is closed with sutures. A light dressing or an adhesive bandage is applied for 24–48 hours. In areas where a dressing is not feasible, an antibiotic ointment can be applied. Sutures are removed 3–14 days after the repair is completed.

The repair should be examined frequently for signs of infection, which include redness, swelling, tenderness, drainage from the wound, red streaks in the skin surrounding the repair, chills, or fever. If any of these occur, you should contact the doctor immediately.