In your body, platelets and other cells migrate to sites of injury and release growth factors that initiate and promote tissue healing. Through targeted injections, the Selphyl® system concentrates platelets at desired sites of repair, enhancing your body's natural capacity for regeneration. This system harnesses the body's natural repair processes to improve the appearance of your skin and reverse the signs of aging.

Hyaluronic acid and collagen in the skin
How Selphyl® Works
The Selphyl® system safely and quickly prepares a Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) from a small sample of blood, creating a three-dimensional scaffold that preserves platelets at the site of injection. Over a sustained period of time, these protected platelets release healing growth factors.

Growth factors are proteins with regenerating and wound-healing capabilities that are produced by specific cells in our body, including platelets. These growth factors stimulate proliferation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes, cells which produce collagen and elastin. They enhance the repair of damaged tissue, attract undifferentiated stem cells into the injected area, and trigger cell division.

How PRP/Selphyl works

What to Expect
The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes to perform in your doctor's office. It requires 3 or more sessions, each 1 month apart. The total number of treatments needed depends on each individual patient and the desired outcome.

Possible Side Effects
There have been no known side effects associated with Selphyl® to date. As with any injection, you may experience some mild and temporary swelling, bruising, or soreness at the injection site.

Before and After Gallery
Before Selphyl® treatment After Selphyl® treatment

Before Selphyl® treatment After Selphyl® treatment